Open (Female)
Dam: Via Espresso's Jubilee - Deceased 1/19/23
Service Sire: MHAR Crystal Blue Boreas
Dam: ~Tennessee Valley Rose
Service Sire: MHAR Crystal Blue Boreas
Shown twice this Spring, Risa was awarded a 6th place ribbon at the 2017 Nationals - the competition was extreme, as was her behavior, lol. Then, 7 weeks later, Peter Kennedy, (renowned breeder of ...
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Dam: LV Bacardi by Sentinel
Service Sire: MHAR Crystal Blue Boreas
At birth, we thought Juhlia might be rose gray. But as she grew more and more silver fibers appeared so that now her fleece is like a water color with the color ranging from silver gray to rose gray a...
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Dam: MHAR's Rhiannon by Silver Samovar
These pix do not do this girl justice, black is SO hard to photograph!. She has beautiful bright crimpy true black fleece that had Judge Wini Lebrecque carefully fondling her blanket in the 2019 Go...
Dam: Delphi's Risa
Harmony was born small but mighty, with serious potential as a show girl. We love her presence in the pasture! Her fleece is very fine, bright and soft with excellent early density and bundling and a ...
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Dam: Heatherbrook's Cutie Pea
Service Sire: MHAR Crystal Blue Boreas
Carbon-Lux is a black breeders dream girl - true black with no light fibers. She's very bright and soft, and a nicely put together female. In October 2019, Carbon birthed an excellent male with all...
Dam: LV Bacardi by Sentinel
Dam: MHAR Juhlia Talvi by Kit Carson
Service Sire: LV Silver Samovar by Vantaggio
At birth we thought WOW! This girl has a LOT of fleece and the early bundling in the popcorn curls was impressive. As she's grown the fleece quality and character has done nothing but improve. Check o...
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Dam: Estates Shaniko
Service Sire: Granite Bay Royal's Silver Select
This girl is one of 4 very promising cria from fall 2021. At shearing (not quite 4 months of age), she displayed a very nice crimp style with nice bundling. And the blanket is essentially spot free! ...
Dam: MHAR's Irina Rose by L Eclipse (Irene)
This sweet girl got a rough start. Initially, she was lethargic and not nursing so we milked mom out and bottle fed her until she started nursing. Then on day 2 she spiked a high fever. We suspect tha...
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Dam: MHAR Juhlia Talvi by Kit Carson
Nice early fleece character and density....
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